Dr. Sadaqat Yaqubi
Dr. Sadaqat Yaqubi has diverse work experience and education. He has got a wealth of experience in programs' planning, implementation, management, field visits, coordination, team supervision, emergency response, facilitating training and sessions, and administering the day to day aspects of office work.
Dr. Yaqubi has a rich history of more than 19 years of working experience with national and international organizations including; UNDP (Global Fund), Handicap International (HI), International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), Solidarity for Afghan Families (SAF), UNDP-Afghanistan, Afghanistan's New Beginning Program (ANBP), ORA International, DARMAN, and Social institutions.
Besides his core responsibilities at each of the above organizations; he has also written HIV/AIDS & our health booklet, Medical First Aid and Trauma Care, translated medical and health books to local languages, and has posted HIV/AIDS, First Aid/Trauma and health-related articles at his personal weblog: http://darmalana.bloguna.tolafghan.com/
Dr. Yaqubi has completed an MD degree from Afghanistan, MBA in Health Care & Hospital Management from India and has attended several management, research, communication and planning and management trainings which has enabled him to think more creatively in the implementation of policies and procedures and leading program implementation and delivery as per the ministry of higher education policies and procedures.
During his professional assignments, he has come into contact with people from different cultural backgrounds and has learned to adopt appropriate obligations. He has full respect for the rules & regulations and is strongly committed to the promotion of equal rights and enhancing equality and justice among various social groups.
The world is now interdependent and communication' science and technology are their vital aspects. The countries and their nations need mutual interaction and understanding with one another to achieve their objects. Still, millions of people in third world countries such as Afghanistan are deprived of those facilities which the other nations have. For reducing this imbalance the only way which we have' is to take advantage of time and get knowledge from the existing opportunities.
Dr. Yaqubi has completed an MD degree from Afghanistan.
MBA in Health Care & Hospital Management from IndiaExperience:
Dr. Yaqubi has a rich history of more than 19 years of working experience with national and international organizations including; UNDP (Global Fund), Handicap International (HI), International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), Solidarity for Afghan Families (SAF), UNDP-Afghanistan, Afghanistan's New Beginning Program (ANBP), ORA International, DARMAN, and Social institutions